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Application for LVH Class

Leadership Vestavia Hills Class Application

Thank you for taking the time to submit your application for the Leadership Vestavia Hills. We sincerely appreciate your interest.

Application to Leadership Vestavia Hills is open to persons living and/or working in the city of Vestavia Hills at the time of application. Classes are generally comprised of 20 to 24 members each year. The recruiting and selection committee seeks representation from a cross-section of the community including business, labor, education, the arts, religion, government, community-based organizations, ethnic and minority groups.

Leadership Vestavia Hills Program

The Leadership Vestavia Hills class is an issue-based program designed to inform and develop leaders in the community. Each year, classes begin in early September and conclude with a graduation program in April. Full-day class sessions typically take place on the first Thursday of each month. Participants also work in a project group outside of class and will have homework opportunities throughout the year. Regular class attendance is mandatory for graduation. Class members are asked to arrange their schedule around the monthly meeting dates. Each class starts at 8:00 a.m. and typically ends by 4:30 p.m.

Class Project

Class members are divided into groups and given a project that focuses on a significant community issue. The projects are presented on the final class day. Please note that the time commitment and/or implementation period of the project might be longer than the class term.


Tuition for the class is $750 and full payment is due by the date of orientation unless arrangements are made with the class coordinator. A very limited number of partial, needs-based scholarships are available. However, scholarship requests must be made at the time of application.

If a problem arises and a candidate cannot continue participation in the class after paying tuition, there will be a refund less the $140 expense for class materials by the first class meeting in September. Tuition is non-refundable after the first class meeting in September.

Continuing Commitment

If you are unable to make a commitment, it is not in your best interest to apply at this time. Additionally, if you have a conflict with the monthly dates, please do not apply for the class. Once graduated, alumni are expected to serve on a LVH class day committee for the upcoming class year, pay Leadership Vestavia Hills yearly dues, and participate in two (2) alumni activities each year.

About us

Leadership Vestavia Hills is an independant, non-profit, non-partisan organization whose mission is to enhance the quality of leadership in Vestavia Hills through networking relationships and educational experiences that inform, inspire, and empower graduates to make a positive difference within the community.

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